Rumpke handles our curbside recycling, but they only take a limited amount of materials. This means most other recyclables, like plastic bags, packaging, food containers, and aluminum trays, need to be taken to the Cincinnati Reuse Recycle Hub. The Challenge? The hub is a 35-minute drive and only accepts drop-offs once a month. How to keep these recyclables organized and sorted until I could take them to the hub.
We labeled two recycle bins, one as Rumpke and another as Hub. To the hub recycle bin, we attached a small bucket, to store any small / tiny recyclables, like milk carton tabs, batteries, candy wraps etc. If we keep the small ones separate, it will be much easier to sort. See the image blow.
Once a week, on the Rumpke pickup day, we would sort all the hub items into common categories: Store Drop-offs, Flexible Films, # 1 #5 #6 Hard Plastics, Styrofoam . Aluminium.
This way, our recyclables are very organized until we take it to the Hub. Besides, sorting becomes easier.
We are a diverse group brought together by our love for the environment. We share eco-friendly tips, resources, and collaborate on projects to make a difference.
The future of our planet depends on all of us. We believe in the power of collective action. Together, we can build a sustainable future filled with healthy ecosystems and thriving communities.
We are developing EcoPal, a cutting-edge app that will make living sustainably simpler and more fulfilling than it has ever been. We conduct in-person workshops to increase sustainability awareness.
Our Vision:
To Empower Positive Eco-Friendly Behaviors
By sharing knowledge, identifying the barriers, and creating solutions to overcome them.